Work Bee at the Derby Perserve was a Big Success!


Thank you to all those you contributed to the Derby Trail work bee on Sunday, we couldn't have done it without you.  We were able to get several structures built to cross low and soft/muddy areas in under 3 hours. 

Also, thank you to Jim Keighley, he has been keeping the trail free of downed trees since before our group started. 

If you haven't been to this beautiful place yet, plan a hike soon! (Here's a map)


A special thank you to Bruce and Marty!  They scouted the trail to identify areas in need of work, donated the decking for structures, arrived almost an hour early to get set up and stayed until it was done.  Marty said her phone's app sho…

A special thank you to Bruce and Marty!  They scouted the trail to identify areas in need of work, donated the decking for structures, arrived almost an hour early to get set up and stayed until it was done.  Marty said her phone's app showed 8 miles of walking that day while she was hauling building materials.

This re-purposed cedar dock decking still has a lot of life left in it and made this a very sustainable project.  The group also liked that a little weathering gave the wood a rustic look that "fit in" in with nature a little better than new wo…

This re-purposed cedar dock decking still has a lot of life left in it and made this a very sustainable project.  The group also liked that a little weathering gave the wood a rustic look that "fit in" in with nature a little better than new wood.  Thanks again Bruce and Marty.

We also used re-purposed dock posts for the foundation, donated by North Shore Docking.

We also used re-purposed dock posts for the foundation, donated by North Shore Docking.

Please join the mailing list on our home page or like us on FB to stay informed on up coming trail events.  We'd like to have some group hikes and and more work days in the future.
