Sept 30th, 6pm - Sunset Social Hike - DeTour State Forest Campground

Sunset social hike. Meet at the parking area in the DeTour State Forest Campground, which is about 17 miles east of Cedarville on M-134, or 6 miles west of DeTour. The parking area for non campers is down the .5 mile driveway near the dumpsters. 

NOTE A RECREATION PASSPORT IS REQUIRED TO BRING A VEHICLE HERE. DNR Recreation passports are $11 for residents of MI and last a whole year and get you into all State parks and rev lands (an amazing bargain!). More info here:,4570,7-350-79134_79210---,00.html 

We will hike this approximately 2.5 mile round trip through a variety of amazing forest types. Come experience classic spruce-fir-cedar forest, unique mesic maple-beach forest, followed by the truly spectacular dune and rocky shorelines of Lake Huron. We’ll hike the beach as the sunsets. This location is very underutilized and many don’t even know about the trail loop here as it is not well advertised. You won’t regret hiking this really wonderful place. Afterwards we will head to a local establishment for some conversation and refreshments.

More info at: