November 11th, 1pm - 4pm - Fall Work Bee

Save the date for the upcoming fall work bee day! We will be working to clear back brush, remove logs, and possibly adding a few extra trail markers to a local hiking/cross country ski trail on public land. The specifics of the location are still being finalized, but the location will either be 10 minutes west of Cedarville off M134 or between Cedarville and DeTour on M134. Stay tuned for updates!

More info at:

November 14th, 6pm - 8pm - November Planning Meeting, Raber Bay Bar and Restaurant

Friends of the Les Cheneaux Area Trail planning committee meetings are now officially the third Wednesday of each month at 6pm (But of course we weren't going to do this on Thanksgiving eve, so we bumped it up a week for November). We rotate our meetings across the communities of Cedarville, Hessel, DeTour, Raber, Goetzville, and Pickford, meeting up at local businesses. We will meet each month to plan out future field trips, projects, and discussions of our favorite recent trail experiences. All are welcome to attend the meetings. Bring your ideas, enthusiasm, and love of local area hiking/biking/wildlife/snowshoeing/skiing trails. As a reminder we seek to help all in the area navigate, exercise and learn about out local trails and ecosystems. It's all about getting outdoors, being healthy, learning, and education. Join us in furthering these efforts.

Location: 28826 S Raber Rd, Goetzville, Michigan 49736

More info at:

October 28th, 1pm - 3:30pm - Tamarack Social Hike - Mertaugh/Birge Nature Preserve

Meet up at the Hessel School House where we will car pool to the nearby Birge/Mertaugh/Nye/Wallace Nature Preserve. This preserve has multiple access points along Point Brulee Road just 2.5 miles west of the blinker in Hessel on M134. The preserve includes over 800 acres of North Huron wildlands including 2.5+ miles of Lake Huron Shoreline. We will explore a relatively new trail at the south end of the facility that juts out .5 miles to overlook Search Bay. We will pay particular attention to the tamarack trees in the area, a spectacular conifer that turns color to a blinding yellow each late fall. Meet up afterwards at a local establishment for fellowship and refreshments.

More info at:

October 17th, 6pm - 8pm, Planning Meeting - DeTour Village Inn

Friends of the Les Cheneaux Area Trail planning committee meetings are now officially the third Wednesday of each month at 6pm. We rotate our meetings across the communities of Cedarville, Hessel, DeTour, Raber, Goetzville, and Pickford, meeting up at local businesses. We will meet each month to plan out future field trips, plan projects, and discussions of our favorite recent trail experiences. All are welcome to attend the meetings. Bring your ideas, enthusiasm, and love of local area hiking/biking/wildlife/snowshoeing/skiing trails. As a reminder we seek to help all in the area navigate, exercise and learn about out local trails and ecosystems. It's all about getting outdoors, being healthy, learning, and education. Join us in furthering these efforts.

October 6th, 2pm - Fall Colors Social Hike - Bay City Lake State Recreation Area

Come hike with us on this secluded, Hessel, Michigan hardwood forest gem! Bay City Lake is a small inland lake surrounded by an amazing 8 mile plus network of dirt bike and ATV trails. Best of all, these are multi-use trails on which you can hike as well. We will hike and take in the splendor of the fall UP colors on this trail. Afterwards we will head to a local establishment to enjoy some fellowship and refreshments. Meet up at Bay City Lake by heading 2.25 miles north on 3-Mile Road (turn north off M-134 at the blinking light in Hessel), drive past the Albert J. Lindberg Airport and Bay City Lake Road will be almost immediately after the airport and on your left. Then turn west onto Bay City Lake Road. Park at the east end of Bay City Lake. Use this DNR map for reference:

More info at:

Sept 30th, 6pm - Sunset Social Hike - DeTour State Forest Campground

Sunset social hike. Meet at the parking area in the DeTour State Forest Campground, which is about 17 miles east of Cedarville on M-134, or 6 miles west of DeTour. The parking area for non campers is down the .5 mile driveway near the dumpsters. 

NOTE A RECREATION PASSPORT IS REQUIRED TO BRING A VEHICLE HERE. DNR Recreation passports are $11 for residents of MI and last a whole year and get you into all State parks and rev lands (an amazing bargain!). More info here:,4570,7-350-79134_79210---,00.html 

We will hike this approximately 2.5 mile round trip through a variety of amazing forest types. Come experience classic spruce-fir-cedar forest, unique mesic maple-beach forest, followed by the truly spectacular dune and rocky shorelines of Lake Huron. We’ll hike the beach as the sunsets. This location is very underutilized and many don’t even know about the trail loop here as it is not well advertised. You won’t regret hiking this really wonderful place. Afterwards we will head to a local establishment for some conversation and refreshments.

More info at:

August 12th, 10am - 12pm - Social Hike at Gerstacker Preserve

Location: Carl A. Gerstacker Preserve,11125 M-134, Cedarville, MI 49719. If you need to put in the GPS coordinates it is : 45.981395, -84.132356. This location is a roadside pull-off on M134 exactly 11.6 miles east of the M129 and M134 intersection (blinking light in Cedarville).

What: We will hike an approximate 2.5 mile loop through old growth dune habitat to little trout lake. This is pristine Northern Lake Huron Wilderness with a lot of wonderful flora and fauna. We will adjourn afterwards for refreshments at a local establishment of our choosing (refreshments purchased on your own).

More info at: